Buy Me, Boston: Local Ads & Flyers, 1960s - 1980s, Volume 1


Buy Me, Boston: Local Ads & Flyers, 1960s - 1980s, Volume 1

By Brian Coleman

Released November 11, 2018

Buy Me, Boston features over 375 vintage advertisements, posters and flyers. These images have been scanned from original sources, including issues of The Boston Phoenix, The Real Paper, The Bay State Banner, Boston After Dark, Boston Rock and many more, straight from the stockpiles of renowned archivists and historians like David Bieber, Kay Bourne, Chuck White and Wayne Valdez. Compiled and curated by journalist Brian Coleman, Buy Me, Boston is a unique, time-traveling journey back to a city that exists only in the fond memories of longtime denizens. Whether you patronized these establishments and happenings the first time around, or just want to know more about our unique town and the people whose energy and creativity fuels it, this book guarantees smiles with the turn of every new page.

Brian Coleman has worked as a media relations and marketing professional for more than two decades, at companies including Timberland and Boston's Braithwaite & Katz Communications. Along the way, he has also enjoyed a side career as an acclaimed music journalist, with three nonfiction music books to his name, in addition to hundreds of freelance articles. Coleman resides in Revere, MA.


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